In the A-group Jorden van Foreest and Jan Werle won in the 4th round against Shyam Madhura and Avital Burochovsky. They now share the lead. Sergey kasparov and Robby Kevlishvilli are at 3 1/2 points. GM Roeland Pruijsssers is still trying to catch up; a draw in the fourth round didn't really work there.


Jorden had the white pieces in a Colle where he held the better chances throughout the opening. When black's rook went honkytonky on the a-file white was clearly better. A passed pawn turned out to be lethal. 


Na 32.Tf5+ Kf5 33.Lb8x Tb8x 34.Tg8 Tf8 35.Pg5 Kf6 36.Ph7x Kf7x 37.Tf8x Lf8x 38.Pf8x was het pionneneindspel voor wit eenvoudig gewonnen.

Avital Boruchovsky tried to crack Jan Werle's Dutch Defence. Around the 20th move it seemed Boruchovsky held the better position. But he underestimated the strength of a black passed pawn. Avital went all in with his attack, but lost due to overstretched ambitions.


After28.Rd4 c5 (28..Re8 is accrding the computer even better) 29.Nf6 cd4x 30. Rh7+ Rh7 31.Qh7+ Kf8 32.Qg8x+ Ke7 33.Qg7x Kd6 white had far too little and resigned on move 39.