The Banter Chess Championship match, presented and explained by Jan Joris Groenewold, between Sipke and Jorden was won by the young guy Jorden. In the first game white (Jorden) caused black some problems in a Scotch, but Sipke fought back and reached an equal ending. In the second game Sipke seemed on top, but when he sacrificed a piece, Jorden started to play very accurately and eventually managed to give back the piece for a better ending. The combination of position and a significant time advantage gave Jorden the win: 1.5 - 0.5. An important remark: The jury (spectators) also rewarded Jorden with the price of best trashtalker.undefinedThe biggest winner of the evening was however, Chess Café Hooghoudt Proeflokaal. In this pub it's proven, day in day out, that Chess can be fun for all levels and in all forms. It therefore organizes, once again, an After Chess program during the Chess Festival:

24 Dec.: Fischer Random chess (Chess960).
25 Dec.: Christmas day, Hooghoudt Proeflokaal closed.
26 Dec.: Stratego Chess.
27 Dec.: SISSA Christmas Blitz.(
28 Dec.: Hands & Brains.
29 Dec.: Dutch Bughouse / Doorgeefschaak.

All activities will start at 20.30 hrs.
Chess Café Hooghoudt Proeflokaal:
Gedempte Zuiderdiep 61, 9711 HC Groningen.